How did paraffin appear and what exactly is it?
Paraffin wax was first produced commercially in 1867, less than 10 years after the first oil well was drilled. Paraffin wax readily precipitates from petroleum on cooling. Technical progress has only served to make separation and filtration more efficient and economical. Purification methods consist of chemical treatment, decolorization by adsorbents, and fractionation of the separated waxes into grades by distillation, recrystallization, or both. Crude oils differ greatly in their wax content.
Synthetic paraffin wax was introduced commercially after World War II as one of the products obtained in the Fischer-Tropsch reaction, which converts coal gas into hydrocarbons. Snow-white and harder than petroleum paraffin, the synthetic product has a unique character and high purity that make it a suitable substitute for certain vegetable waxes and as a modifier for petroleum wax and some plastics such as polyethylene.
Synthetic paraffin waxes can be oxidized to give hard, pale yellow, high molecular weight waxes that can be saponified with aqueous solutions of organic or inorganic alkalis such as borax, sodium hydroxide, triethanolamine, and morpholine. These wax dispersions serve as heavy-duty floor waxes, as waterproofing for textiles and paper, as tanning agents for leather, as metal drawing lubricants, as rust inhibitors, and for treating masonry and concrete.
In short, paraffin is a petroleum waste and must be deodorized and chemically bleached before it can be turned into wax. Today, you can find petroleum-based paraffin wax in candles, wax paper, polish, cosmetics, and more.
Why does paraffin wax get such a bad rap?
Most candles today are made from paraffin wax which creates highly toxic benzene and toluene when burned (both known carcinogens). In fact, the toxins released by paraffin candles are the same as those found in diesel fumes and are linked to asthma and lung cancer.
The environmental impact of paraffin should also be noted. Crude oil, being the origin of paraffin wax, is considered extremely unsustainable, being a non-renewable resource. It has also been the cause of many environmental calamities, in oil spills, damage to natural habitats and climate change.
What should we do as candle lovers?
Choosing natural candles instead of those made from paraffin is the best option. Reading labels may not be enough, as candle makers are not required to disclose the ingredients they use in their candles. Indeed, no law or regulation requires candle makers to specify how the wax they use is produced.
So the best way to choose a candle wisely is to find out how and with what ingredients they are made, such as what type of wax was used. If the wax is 100% natural, be it soy, coconut or beeswax, then it is definitely the right choice. The best way to know what to buy is to research and ask the right questions.
Our natural artisan candles are paraffin free, we do not use chemical additives or phthalates in our fragrances. We source our ingredients responsibly and use only the safest products to create Fogveli candles.
Discover our collections of naturally scented candles and waxmelts in our online store.
Also read: How to pour a scented candle
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